International Sculpture

The reason for having the two categories of public
art and international sculpture is because the approaches
to the photographs have been rather different.
International sculpture photographs shown here
are supposed to be an exploration of the intent
of the piece, less to do with any public awareness
that it might have

Freedom Monument, Riga

The Freedom Monument in Riga, Latvia, was commissioned
of Latvian sculptor Karlis Zale, to commemorate soldiers killed
in the Latvian War of Independence (1918-1920) and unveiled
in 1935. It is in a mix of materials including grey and pink granite,
with a copper statue of Liberty lifting three stars at the top.
After Latvia was taken into the Soviet block in 1940 there was
much pressure to destroy the monument as it was seen as a
possible focus for dissent, but after much lobbying it was allowed
to stay. This detail is of one of the grey granite bas reliefs
showing the Chain Breakers


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