About Tilia Publishing


Tilia Publishing started in late 2014 to publish the photographs and writing of Tilia Services.

Products include greeting cards:

A series of books are also being published.

It's Warmer Down Below
The first book is the long-awaited autobiography of Sir Harold Harding, tunnelling engineer and pioneer of soil mechanics. Significant projects include much of the London Underground, the feasibility study that underpinned the Channel Tunnel, as well as sitting on the Aberfan Tribunal and advising on many tunnels around the world. Called 'It's Warmer Down Below' this book is enriched by the sense of history and well-developed wit that was key to the author's approach to his work.
The book was launched in the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers on 17th September 2015.
ISBN: 978099339650-2

Copies are priced £19.95 with £3.50 p&p (£23.45) within the UK.

Link to order the book

Please do get in touch via info@tiliaservices.co.uk or by ringing 0871 226 2107* if you would like to talk to a human being (or occasionally an answerphone) or have any questions or comments.

*13p per minute on landlines, varies if ringing from a mobile phone.


Further books are planned for early in 2016, including one on the churches of the South Downs National Park.



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