Sample Photography Brief

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Or if you have any suggestions for possible changes

Purpose of photographs

What are the images for?
Is there a particular emphasis that you have in mind for them?
Do you have an idea of what you would like people viewing them to feel about what they show?



Do you want to present your material in a light-hearted or serious manner?
Is it for a record or for celebraton?
Is it likely that the material will be used for a single purpose or for a variety of needs?
If for a variety it would help to know of any of which you are currently aware, for example presentations, exhibitions, business literature, website, reports, record, contractual monitoring etc.


The Market

Do you know if your market is:

Where images will go

Will they be published:
- Magazine
- Newspaper
- Web
- Exhibition
- Other
If so will they be in colour, black and white or monochrome?

Unless otherwise requested, all images will be supplied as digital images with copyright held by the photographer and licenced to the client.


Most outdoor photography will be dependent on appropriate weather conditions, but preferred dates and times can be accommodated where they can be achieved.


Deadline for receipt of images:


Address for photographs to be taken

Any particular special conditions or instructions?
Any particular lines of sight that you consider to be important to be photographed or particular elements to be interpreted?
Any known requirements (including any suggested need for extra lighting for dark corners)?


Scope of photographs

It has been said that photographers tend only to look for positive images when on a designed site, particularly when it is still under construction. If there are issues that are not so positive but could do with being recorded would you prefer photographs to be taken of them? Yes/No


Contact Name: ....................................................................
Telephone: .........................................................................
Email: ................................................................................
Website: ............................................................................
(Mobile): ............................................................................


Normal hours: ....................................................................
Overtime: .........................................................................
Travel: ..............................................................................
Accommodation and other expenses: ....................................................................


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